Private Health Rebates for Exercise Physiology: You May Qualify!

Chris's areas of interest

Chris Dounis

Founder / Senior Exercise Physiologist

BExPhys (UNSW) MClExPhys (CSU) - AEP - ESSAM

Hey there – my name is Chris and I am one of the Exercise Physiologists at EP360. My personal journey into Exercise Physiology came after a fairly long period of contemplation about what I would do with my life after High School. When I was much younger, I played a lot of sport and always had a strong interest in health and wellbeing in general and this lead me to studying a Diploma of Nutrition. I quickly realised, however, that exercise and physical activity was more my thing, so I enrolled into the Degree of Exercise Physiology at UNSW and the rest, as they say is history.

I have been an Exercise Physiologist for almost 15 years, back at a time when almost no one knew what an Exercise Physiologist was. So, I have seen my industry and profession change quite a lot and it has been an amazing journey to be a part of.

My professional interests mainly revolve around behaviour change and creating new habits that lead to the best health outcome that our clients can garner. That being said, most of my professional development has been in Behaviour Change Counselling and Motivational Interviewing and this is really at the core of what I enjoy doing.

More than anything, however, I like to help people to be the best that they can be, physically, mentally and physiologically. Whether you are suffering from chronic pain, have an underlying health or chronic disease or just need some help getting started with an exercise program that fits for you and your life, I’m here to help. I can be reached at

Locations I work from

Mobile (contact for more info)

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